For the past few days, I have been visiting a good friend who was admitted into the hospital. She had uncontrollable High blood pressure and it was rather serious. The Doctor diagnosed that she was under a lot of stress - work related. The first few days, she was in rather bad shape....today, she was discharged, looking much better. She would be on medical leave for a while. The question that came to mind is - will she be going back to handle the stress again?
Few months ago, I was in similar condition.. and a lot was due to stress. My blood pressure was high and so was my heart beat. The doctor gave me medication to slow down the heartbeat.... well.... the heartbeat slowed down but the blood pressure went even higher! I took 2 weeks off from work to relax and went on a short trip. The break did me some good but I was back in the pressurised environment again! Then, I made a decision - I quit!
Many of us end up working for the sake of earning a living. It's not about getting a job that you like, it's about earning enough to upkeep your standard of living. Yes, some fortunate ones get to do the things they like, some get to earn enough to have a comfortable lifestyle. Where went wrong??? Why not me???
Everyone has equal opportunity to strive for a good life. What do I mean? Well, many people believe that hard work pays. If you work hard, one day you will succeed..... the question is...when will that one day come? How long do I have to wait? When I was younger (not that I am a lot older..hahaha) I used to think that life is unfair....now... don't dwell in it.... move on! It's your own life, take care of it yourself! Do not blame others or external factors, if you want to have a successful life, work towards it!
A friend sent me an email about choices... about the life of a man and the choices he made.... whatever choice you make will have it's own consequence. E.g. you can choose to be happy or angry.... whatever choice you made may affect the people and the environment you are in. If you choose to be angry, it may affect your work and the people around you and it may ruin your day... however, if you choose to be happy, you may end up with a wonderful day!
We make choices everyday...... they will affect our lives. Well, if you make a point to think about the consequences that result from the choice we make, it will help us to make the right choice. So, if you make a point to think about what you want to do in life, you will know what need to be done and work towards it. No pain, no gain! Whatever you sow, so will you reap... you work hard to pave your career, you will get to enjoy the fruits of your labour!
It's your life.... and time may run out soon (I mean we will grow old! What are you thinking about???). Take control of your own life..... do the things you have always wanted to do but never got the time; you are only answerable to yourself..... and stop giving excuses!
I know what I want in life...... the question is...do you?
---------------- Sawbear Travel ---------------------