Monday, 11 May 2009

The 'Better' Half.....

During lunch today, some colleagues were going through a colleague's wedding photos. They were chatting about one of the photos where they remarked that the guy inside would have been a better husband! Huh? What???????

She met this guy after her Haj but at that time. she already knew the current husband-to-be. The guy's father was her god-father... and he was interested to match-make them. She remarked that perhaps she should have gone for that guy instead!

The current husband is a much older guy. When I looked at the photos, it reminded me of the famous singer from Malaysia who married a rich older guy! For my colleague, the husband is not rich...just older! Hahahahahaha! They had quite a lot of disputes on where to go for honeymoon and what hotel to stay in, etc. Finally, they went to Gentings......she was not impressed...... she wanted to go overseas....take plane........stay in nice hotel....romantic honeymoon....

The colleagues reckoned that she did not make the right choice ... and she agreed! Terrible! Anyway, she is resigned to her fate!

Everyone wants a rich boyfriend/husband...... everyone hopes to be pampered and not have to work after marriage. A close friend of mine always dreams of having a rich husband, even after she got married! The husband is not rich but does pamper her once a while, though! Another friend has a rich boyfriend who buys her many presents....she loves to be pampered.....

If you have a choice.... would you prefer a rich boyfriend as well? If I have a rich girlfriend, I would........

---------- Sawbear Travel ------------

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