Monday, 23 November 2009

Back To Before.......

Would it be possible to go back to the life before....before you have had something or someone, etc.....

Few months ago, my aircon broke down. I tried sleeping with the fan on....but it was just impossible to sleep! I ended up staying 'somewhere' for a few nights! Before we had aircon, we only had fan.... and we slept through many years. Now, no air con.....its a torture! How to live without aircon????!!!!!!!

I have friends who are still living with only fan and they managed.......I don't think I could go back to those days with fan.......

The last few months, I had the company of a good friend..... we did many things together....lots of meals, shopping and movies... Recently, that friend was no long 'available'.... After spending a lot of time together, I really miss it. Places that I went brought back memories of the time spent... at those places.

I thought... I have a life before I spent time with that special that special friend is no long 'free', I should be able to go back to that life I had before. I could.......but it was not easy.....

Life goes on as it always will. My life goes on as usual..... memories stay for a long time......

-------------- Sawbear Travel ------------

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