Sunday, 29 November 2009

BBQ at Labrador Park

It was a long weekend...... 27 - 29 Nov. Gerald has organised for a BBQ on 28 Nov. Raymond managed to book a pit at Labrador Park. I volunteered to marinate pork, my specialty.

After some logistics arrangement, Gerald come to pick me up at 3:30pm and then we went to Queenstown MRT to pick up Raymond and Small Ben. There were lots of stuff in the car. After arriving at the car park, we found that the pit was quite far..the last pit.

When we were about to set up the place, it started to drizzle. We had to quickly keep most of the stuff and took shelter. The rain came and soon went away. Gerald has gone to fetch Ivan and Willy and we had extra help to quickly set up the BBQ

After some time, we managed to get the fire going and started to cook the raw meat. We had pork, otah, check wings, sausages, prawns, fish, corn, sweet potatoes and even Marshmallow and grapes for dessert! There's a lot of food....for 11 people!

Jeff, Sunny, Kelvin, Alan, Thomas and Andrew came to join in the BBQ. We had lots of fun chatting and BBQing the food! The food was great and the Company was excellent!

-------------------- Sawbear Travel ------------------

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