Monday, 25 January 2010

Moving On......

Been telling others to move on...its about time for me to move on too.

The last few months, I have been thinking of moving away .... out of Singapore for a while. How long, I am really not sure. I want to go away for a while, and if the environment suits me, I will come back and then pack and go.....

Some friends are concerned and not sure if I should do that. Also, there are some friends who support my plan.....

Of course, there's family and friends here and am I prepared to give up? I do not think it's giving up. I can always be in contact with family. There are some friends that are worth giving up, though! Hahahahahah

I made some new friends and few of them have grown to be very close to me. If I move on, these are the people that I will miss a lot. They have become a part of my life ... in fact, I actually cannot bear to leave them...

天下没有不散的宴席。They will move on in their lives, with or without me. I am grateful that they have been an important part of my life and that memory will last forever.

I may have a plan but no one knows the future. I may move on, I may not. Events could happen and change my plan.

At this moment, I have a plan. I plan to work towards it....

-------------- Sawbear Travel ----------------

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