Sunday, 17 April 2011


Have always been like an advisor to others on their relationship.... what about my own relationship? Am I doing well with mine?

A relationship is liken to a person who is all excited about planting. He takes the trouble to buy the soil, fertilizer, seed, etc.... the necessary stuff to get it started. He is so excited along the process. Then, he finally sees the 1st bud. He feels he has succeeded. However, that is just the beginning. To keep the plant growing healthily, he needs to ensure there's enough nutrients. It becomes a commitment. The plant cannot grow on its own. It will wither and die without proper care.

When 2 people fall in love, it is so sweet and lovely. The courtship is so romantic. What happens when the courtship is over? Is the thought that we love each other sufficient to sustain the relationship? A relationship is a commitment between 2 people. What should the 2 do to maintain/grow the relationship? A plants needs nutrients to grow healthily. What does a relationship need to grow?

As human, we tend to take things for granted. If I feel that the other person is already mine, do I take for granted that she will be mine forever? Does the very thought that I love her in my heart is good enough to keep the relationship going? Should I make any effort to make her feel loved and should I constantly make her feel that she is the most important person in my life? If I do not make any such effort, am I taking the relationship for granted?

Everyone has his/her view about relationship. There is no right or wrong about individuals opinion. If 2 people make a commitment to have a relationship, they would need to understand and accept each other's 'perception'. Otherwise, the relationship would not work.

So, what commitment do I have to my own relationship? I tell myself never to take for granted that she will always be mine. I will make effort to make her feel loved and how special she is to me. Life is never a bed of roses and there could be some obstacles between us. I will do my best to overcome those obstacles.  Sacrifices may be needed but they would be worth it. I signed the love commitment with my blood.....sealed with my heart.

Nothing last forever. Making effort helps to make it last longer............

----------------- Sawbear Travel ----------------------

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