Sunday, 26 April 2009

25 April

25 April - 3 friends' birthday!

Happy Birthday, Judy! It has a quite a while since we last met. I really miss New Zealand.... and also fijoes! It's the season again!

Happy Birthday, Ming! Hope to meet you again next month! Looking forward to visit Hong Kong again!

Happy Birthday, Jason! Thank you for the BBQ dinner! The food was delicious and the company was great!

Spent the whole day in JB. Gerald came to pick me up and then we proceeded to the causeway. At 10 in the morning, the jam had started to build up. The 1st thing was to get a car wash. Only M$8 and they vacuumed and washed/cleaned the car!

After car wash, we went straight for food - Bak kut Teh! The food was delicious! Must always order the braised pig throttle....yum, yum! After lunch, we went shopping at Pelangi Plaza. Unfortunately the shop that we used to patronised has closed down...gone back to Malacca...

2 more stops before BBQ dinner..... went for food reflex. 2 hours on foot relaxing....... so 'shiok'...... did not feel like walking......... final stop at Giant........ grocery! Always enjoy shopping at Giant! There's so much to buy....... cheap!

Then, it's off to Jason's place for BBQ! Had talked about this BBQ for quite a while and decided to do it on his birthday. Ho and friend were there too.... Just when the fire was ready and the meats were placed on it, suddenly we saw the fog..... the ppl were spraying, right during dinner time! We hurriedly moved the food inside until the sky was clear again..... More guests appeared and then it was cake cutting!

The night ended well and then it was time to crossed back to Singapore...before the car turn into something else......

----------------- Sawbear Travel --------------

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