Tuesday, 16 June 2009

爱琴海 - 民歌餐厅

Met up with a new friend, Woofie, for dinner at basement of Plaza Singapura. Went to the food court earlier but could not get a seat. Settled for a sausage joint instead.....

Friends always complain that I walk very fast. They should meet Woofie! I could hardly catch up with him! He had to slow down many times to wait for me to catch up! Must be old age......

Went to a Chinese folk song establishment - Music Dreamer Live! Cafe. The singers tonight were quite entertaining. I have not been to one for a very long time! The singers looked at us and mentioned that they welcomed us to submit songs for them to sing. They may not know the songs of the 50's to 70's, but they would try! Do we really look so old??????!!!!!! Well, we submitted a songs of the 90's and they were surprised! Never trust a book by its cover!

------------- Sawbear Travel --------------

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