Sunday, 13 June 2010

J.B. Again

12 June
Was to meet up with Raymond at Kranji MRT at 11am. Was running late and actually received an sms from him saying 'YOU'RE LATE!' I was 5 mins late. Did not expect him to be early/on time!

At the station, we were surprised to see a very long queue for bus 170. Even for the Smiley Bus, there was a queue! Usually there's lots of the smiley buses but we waited for quite a while before we saw one.

At the immigration/custom, it was quite smooth..did not look very crowded. The shock came when we went to catch the bus. The queue was very long and there was lots and lots of people! I have never seen such crowd!

We managed to squeeze ourselves into the queues.... and into the bus after waited for quite a while. The jam is usually at the F1 track and as usually, the traffic was bad......

We finally arrived at the JB immigration/custom. Clearance was very fast, surprisingly. Anyway, we started waiting for bus at about 11:10am and arrived about 1pm.

The 1st thing was lunch and we decided to catch the taxi at the side staircase before CitySquare. I thought it was metered but the driver told me that it was cost M$10 for the trip. I did not want to argue and so I agreed.

Lunch was at the 顺发肉骨茶, our favourite joint. We ordered our favourite dishes and the waiter thought we ordered too much. He was surprised when we finished everything! Never under-estimate the 2 of us! Hahahahaha!

Next on the itinerary was foot reflex/massage at 唐医堂. As usually, I had foot reflex and Raymond had body massage. The session was always very good for me!

Went over to LeisureMall where Raymond managed to stock up on his comics (18 books!) till his next trip. From there, we went back to CitySquare where we settled down for early dinner at the Mong Kok Char Chan Teng. The drinks were great! I had 2 orders of the same drink! Don't bother about the food, though.

Clearing JB side was quite fast...there was a short jam on the F1 track (surprising) but we were soon back on Singapore soil. The immigration/custom at Singapore side was very crowded. I cleared very fast but poor Raymond took a long time to clear.

It was a good trip and I enjoyed myself. We took a longer time than usual for clearance but being the school holiday period, I guess it's expected.

------------------- Sawbear Travel ---------------

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