Thursday, 4 October 2007

Birthdays Again....

4th of October is a special day because I have 4 close friends who are celebrating their birthday!

Let me share a little about these 4 friends...

Donald is a close friend since 1983... during Interact / Rotaract Days (it's ok if you have no idea what I am talking about...hahahahaha!), All these years, he would at least get a call from me on his birthday.

Next, is Omori - my big brother from Osaka. I met him in 1984 (through Interact / Rotaract Days)... I think...hahahaha! All these years we have kept in touch and I have stayed at his place in Osaka many times! There was 1 year where we met up in Hawaii!

In the early 1990s, I met David...who is the husband of my ex-colleague. We got along very well and used to catch up for meals..but sort of lost touch for years, except on his birthday!

Gerald is a tour guide and he used to help me do tour leading when I was in the travel agency years ago! All these years, I have always been in touch with him and of course on his birthday, I will call him, without fail! I used to send him greeting cards, though! Hahahahaha!

They are close friends and will continue to be. Happy Birthday, my friends!

--------- Sawbear Travel -----------

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