Friday, 26 October 2007

Don't Ever Let Go...

I don't ever want us to let go

of each other,

Maybe our paths will go

in separate directions,

but that won't change the bond

we share and what's in our heart.

No matter where I am

or what I am doing,

when you come to mind

a smile comes to my face

and a warmth settles in my heart.

The day you and I met

will always be cherished

And no matter what,.

we always let each other know

that we do love and care

about each other.

You are more than just

a friend to me.

I often struggle to say how I feel,

but I hope we never let go

of what we share,

because whether it's across the miles

or just a short distance,

you are and will always be

a part of my life and me.

-------- Sawbear Travel ------------

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