Thursday, 4 March 2010

Otanjobi Omedeto Gozaimasu

Tiring day today and decided to go home early.

Was on MSN and saw a friend online. It's his birthday today I thought he would be out celebrating. He explained that its a weekday and he needed to work tomorrow and thus he did not go out and celebrate.

A thought came to mind and I decided to surprise him. Went to Anchorpoint to get a cake and then took a cab to his place. Was not sure the actual address but vaguely remembered the location. Called him when I was there and he was surprised. Bought some drinks and went to a void deck to cut the cake - strawberry cheesecake and ...he does not like cheesecake! Must remember not to buy cheesecake again!

Chat for a while before I took a cab back......very tiring.....almost doze off in the cab.....

Glad that I could celebrate his birthday with him....its his first birthday cake! While he thanked me for the cake and time, I thanked him for his friendship!

Happy Birthday, my Friend!

--------------- Sawbear Travel -----------------

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