Friday, 21 September 2007

I still have it......

The result from the Travel Fair is finally out.... we achieved more than double the sales of the last Travel Fair... the Best so far! Great achievement! Fantastic! Give a pat on your own shoulder! hahahaha! So, what's the reward? Sob... sob..... sob.... don't have...... just ' thank you'..... hahahahahahahaha!

The recent Travel Fair was my 1st since 2001! It has been a long time since I was involved in a Travel Fair. Many people at the Fair asked how I felt and I said it was great! Well, they have been involved year after year and they are probably sick of it! I am considered the new kid in the block!

The frontline colleagues were given a target each and few of them managed to achieved above the target. I was also given a target and...... (drum roll, please) I achieved about my target too!!!!!! To me, it's an achievement! I can still do it!!!!Not only that, my packages were doing pretty well at the Fair as well!

This morning, many of the office colleagues are away in Phuket for a retreat. I am in the office, covering duty. It also means... No government! Hahahahaha!

Looking forward to my trip tomorrow......

---------- Sawbear Travel -----------

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