Sunday, 16 September 2007

It's All Over!

Hooray!!! The Fair is over! Finally!

After 3 days of intensive selling, amidst all the confusion along the way... the Fair has come to an end! Very tiring!'s not the end yet..... in fact, it's just the beginning!

The next few days will be busy making all the necessary reservation of packages and hotels with the overseas agents. As the airfares are on special for the last 3 days, issuance has to be done within the next few days as well! Not only that, I have to re-package with the new prices again!!!! All has to be within the next few days! So much work!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha! Anyone interested to work part-time????!!!!!!!!

Will be another busy week and then, I 'm off to Australia! Hooray!!!!!!

----------- Sawbear Travel --------------

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Over? hahaah its never over for you when you have decided to be back in your LOVE industry! You are too committed to your work! (juz like me ahem...)

thanks for the well wishes and my latest update is, i have completed my driving (failed cos the instructor dun like me, serious!), done my operation (so far ok), and finished my ICT! (7 high this year and hope that i will be in the MR list next year!!!!)

going back to work tomolo and going off to HK cum BK in Oct, think 3rd week (19-27) for relaxation and recharge before cheonging for my career again! (regardless new or old, ekkekeke)

you need part timer? do what? though you are a superman who need no help and will settle everything by yourself? even when you are sick you still go all out, give up! so hws your progress? in terms of health i mean, cos for your work, no need to ask as i know you can handle it, just need time in gaining back your confidence and momentum.

pls take care of yourself and i will catch up with you once u are back from your aussiz trip!

best of health and back alive and kicking!!!
