Sunday, 14 September 2008


It's Mid Autumn Festival or Mooncake Festival!

Probably more than 1 month ago, many places have started selling mooncakes. Lots of flavours - lotus paste, with salted egg, yam, durian, mango, etc... the list goes on. Every year, more and more new flavours. Manufacturers need to innovate, come out with new ideas!

The funny thing is no matter how expensive, people still buy! My colleague recently spent more than S$1000 on the mooncakes!

The new generation moncakes come in snow skin.... with many delicious flavours. Mango, Chempalak and durian are flavours you never thought to see than in mooncakes. They taste good but kind of strange as a mooncake.

I remember years ago, there was a video clip on how they make mooncakes. Trust me, what seeing that, you would not want to eat any! I guess many have forgotten about it!

Chinese are very into traditions and customs. It's 中秋节and many people will eat mooncakes, drink Chinese tea and carry lanterns!

This will stay........

---------- Sawbear Travel ----------

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