Monday, 22 September 2008

Simple Lifestyle

To some of my friends, as they grow older, their lives becomes more active. There's so many activities to keep them busy. Going home early and staying home during the weekends are simply out of the question!

I beg to differ. Many people say that I have a lot of friends. Indeed, I do! However, I spend more time at home now than before!

Usually after work, I would want to go straight home, unless I have something to buy or dinner appointment. When I get home, I would have instant noodle or egg/ham sandwiches for dinner, unless of course, I eat out before I reach home.

After shower, it's TV, reading and Internet time. I used to watch a lot of TV programmes and also chat a lot on the Internet. Now, I have toned down. I make a point to keep up with my reading and also tidying up my room. During Sunday to Thursday, I will try to hit the sack by 11pm. Friday & Saturday nights are usually late nights for me. It does not mean I come home just means that I sleep later on those nights!

Of late, I have been spending weekends at home. Tidying the room, watching TV programmes, listening to music and chatting on the Net. I was going through the list of people I used to chat with and realised that I hardly chat with more than half the list now! These people are still there, though.

As I age graciously, my lifestyle becomes simple. I wonder.....

-------------- sawbear Travel -------------

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