Saturday, 14 July 2007

Our Friendship Will Always Be Important To Me

Do you remember the 1st time we met?

It seemed we came together

in instant friendship.

We somehow knew we could lean upon

each other,

depend upon one another.

It seemed as though we had always

been friends.

As time has gone by, those feelings

have grown.

We have shared our most secret thoughts

and dreams.

We've helped each other through times

when we never thought we could endure,

and shared with each other the

most memorable days of our lives.

For as long as I live,

you will always hold a place inside of me.

Our friendship will always be

a very important part of my life.

Our relationship is very unique;

it always has been.

I look forward to our future

and to our continued sharing as friends.

-------- Sawbear Travel -------

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