Saturday, 5 April 2008

Love Yourself More

Spent the day with an old friend from Malaysia. He is having problem in his relationship. Nothing I can do but to lend him my ears and my broad shoulders!

He sacrificed a lot for the person he loved and though he did not expect anything in return, he felt the least he should expect is appreciation and gratitude from the other person. He did not get them.....

He knows I would go out of my way for friends but he encourages me to learn to love myself more. Take care of myself! Others will take care of themselves! He does not want me to end up like him, always putting others first.

I have many close friends and a few are very dear to me. I spend a lot of my time and effort to maintain or grow the friendship. Sometimes, I wonder..... what would their lives be without me? It could be could be worse.... the truth is will still go on for them, without me!

Perhaps, I should just think for myself....... love myself more....pamper myself......

----------- Sawbear Travel --------

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