Thursday, 17 July 2008

It's Dawn's Birthday today! Happy Birthday!

When I started work in SingTel on 2nd July 2001, there was this young slim lady who started on the same day as me. We ended up in the same team. I remembered the admin commented that when she first saw us, she thought I was a new Manager with my secretary! Hahahahahaha!

Anyway, we got along very well and I even attended her wedding! Though she left the company to become a full time housewife/mother, we managed to stay in touch. They bought a house outside Sydney and in September, the family would be moving there for good! All the best to you, my friend!

Joanne just had her operation yesterday and now resting in the hospital. She would be on medical leave for about 6 weeks. Glad to know that the operation was successful. Will visit her these few days.

A friend from JB got retrenched recently. Reading his blog, I could feel that he was rather upset as there was no early notice and no compensation. It was rather sudden for him. Well, read that he was offered a job yesterday and he would be starting work today! Congrats, my friend! All the best to your new job!

------------- Sawbear Travel ---------

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